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Boxing Union of Ireland Title Rules
Boxing Union of Ireland Title Rules
Eligibility to fight for an Irish Title:
Contestants for an Irish Professional Boxing Championship must: -
Be the holder of a current Boxing Union of Ireland Licence for a minimum term of 6 consecutive months prior to a proposed Irish Title bout.
The Board of the Boxing Union of Ireland may exercise its discretion where a contestant previously held a Boxing Union of Ireland Licence for a minimum period of 6 consecutive months.
(i) Be an Irish citizen by birth OR
(ii) a person born abroad who has since become an Irish citizen and has been permanently resident and domiciled on the island of Ireland for a continuous period of not less than 5 years immediately preceding the championship contest. Birth certificate and or passport must be produced to the Board a minimum of 2 months prior to the championship contest or
(iii) have a least one parent or grandparent born on the island of Ireland. In order to avail of the parent or grandparent qualification, relevant birth certificates proving the Irish connection shall be sent to the offices of the Boxing Union of Ireland a minimum of 2 months prior to the date of the proposed Irish Title fight.
4. Both fighters shall have fought a minimum of one scheduled 8 x 3 minute rounds bout prior to the proposed title fight.
5. In the case of Celtic Title fights, both contestants must have fought a minimum of one, 6 x 3 minute rounds bout, prior to the proposed Celtic Title bout.
6. A boxer cannot fight for a BUI Celtic or All-Ireland Title when coming off a defeat, UNLESS the defeat was to the same opponent being proposed for the Title Fight and, in the opinion of the BUI Ratings Committee, such defeat was considered to be extremely close or controversial.
7. A boxer cannot fight for a BUI Title in a different weight division UNLESS he/she has weighed within 5lb of the maximum title weight of that division within the previous two (2) years or four (4) professional fights.
8. Where a BUI licensed boxer wins a Celtic Title, he/she shall be a mandatory contender for an All-Ireland Title for a maximum period of six months after his/her Celtic title victory. Once six (6) months has elapsed, the Ratings Committee will decide who shall be the Mandatory All- Ireland Title challenger.
Scheduled distance of Irish Title Fight
All Irish Title fights shall be fought over 10 x 3 minute rounds. In case of a female Irish Title Fight, the duration of the bout shall be 10 x 2 minute rounds.
Scheduled distance of B.U.I. Celtic Title Fight
All B.U.I. Celtic Title Fights shall be fought over 8 x 3 minute rounds. In the case of a female B.U.I. Celtic Title Fight, the duration of the bout shall be 8 x 2 minute rounds.
2. Proposed Irish Title fights shall be sent via email to the Boxing Union of Ireland a minimum of 2 months prior to the proposed bout.
Forfeiture of Irish Title / Celtic Title
A champion shall forfeit his / her title in the following circumstances.
If defeated in a championship contest sanctioned and controlled by the B.U.I. and at the same weight at which he / she won the title.
If proven guilty to the satisfaction of the Board of the B.U.I. of gross misconduct as a boxer;
If he / she refuses to defend their title after receipt of a challenge approved by the Board of the Boxing Union of Ireland, and a date limit given for such a title fight .
If a champion is for any reason unable or unwilling to defend their title when required by the Boxing Union of Ireland to do so.
If he /she ceases to be a licensee of the Boxing Union of Ireland
If the Title has not been defended, in the case of an Irish Title, within 12 months of the date of having won or successfully defended their title. In the case of a Celtic Title, the Title must be defended within 6 months of having won the Title.
Defence of an Irish Title.
A champion shall not be required to defend his title until the expiration of 6 months from the date of winning or successfully defending the title.
B.U.I. Celtic Title Eligibility
(i) At least one of the fighters must hold a valid Boxing Union of Ireland Licence for the purpose of a Celtic Title Fight.
(ii) At least one of the participants must have been born on the island of Ireland.
(iii) Both boxers must be born in a Celtic region, i.e. Ireland, Scotland, Wales,
Isle of Man, Cornwall, Brittany, Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias, etc.
(iv) Proposed B.U.I Celtic Title Fights must be sent via email to the Boxing Union of Ireland a minimum of 2 months prior to the proposed bout.
(v) On questions of eligibility, THE DECISION OF THE BOARD IS FINAL
Judging for Irish Title
For Irish Title Fights, 3 judges shall be appointed by the Board of the Boxing Union of Ireland for the purposes of scoring the contest.
Judging for B.U.I. Celtic Title
For Celtic Title Fights, 3 judges shall be appointed by the Board of the Boxing Union of Ireland for the purposes of scoring the contest.
A Boxer can only hold one Irish or Celtic Title at any one time. Where a current All Ireland or Celtic Champion fights for another Celtic or All Ireland Title, and is successful, it is deemed that the original title that the Boxer held has been automatically vacated.
Where the holder of a Celtic Title fights for a Celtic Title in a different weight from that in which he / she is already champion, he /she will be deemed to have vacated
the original title if they win in the different weight division.
A Boxing Union of Ireland Licence enables Irish Boxers to box on any boxing card around the world once authorisation is given by the Boxing Union of Ireland.
A B.U.I. Licensed Boxer is entitled to fight for a Commonwealth Title provided he / she meets required residency rules.
Fighting Abroad
A Boxing Union of Ireland Licence enables the holder to box on any card throughout the world once authorisation is given in writing by the Board of the Boxing Union of Ireland.
Commonwealth Title Fights
A B.U.I. Licensed Boxer is entitled to fight for a Commonwealth Title provided he /she meets required residency rules.
If a title fight is advertised before it is sanctioned, the bout will be immediately dismissed by the Board.